im currently in the works of making my debut project under the new name Katscan. all the past albums were under a different name, and due to my skills increasing tenfold since last releasing a project i wanted to have a new name to start fresh.

the project is currently planned to be called Untraveller, and its also going to hold my first attempts at vocal performances and other things of that sort.

this is the first time ive spent more than a few weeks to a month working on something, and its not gonna be out for a while because of this want to make a really interesting and fresh sounding work.

i have high expectations for myself on this, and any feedback is greatly appreciated on whats currently on here.

the song that is on here (popsongv4) is going to have vocals on it, but its taken quite a bit of time to write what i actually want to say on it and also recording is HARD !!!!!!!

this is the first rendition of the cover, but i dont really like it that much so im planning on making a new one once the project starts to take more form.